Create Today Podcast

How Does RTT Work? What Happens in an RTT Session?

Episode 62

In this episode I describe what happens before, during, and after RTT Sessions.

RTT is all about retraining your perceptions about the memories that created your core beliefs.

As children and teenagers, we are constantly downloading everything around us, trying to define the events happening around us and trying to assign meaning to those events.

But when we are children, our brains are still developing, and we are unable to fully understand these events. That leads us to developing beliefs about ourselves that are no longer true, no longer serving us, and can cause us great suffering.

RTT allows us to redefine those events and let go of the beliefs we developed long ago that we have been holding onto for years, even decades.

Then, we can strengthen the empowering beliefs that allow us to strengthen our confidence, allow us to accomplish the goals we set for ourselves, and allow us to navigate life’s ebbs and flows with more ease. We are able to release old beliefs and habits that no longer serve us and create the beliefs, feelings, and habits we long to create in our lives.

This episode explains what happens in an RTT session and how it works!

Thanks so much for watching!

How Many RTT Sessions Do You Need?

Episode 61

How many RTT sessions do you need?

Excellent question! The answer is: It depends!

Don’t you love that answer?!

The number of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) sessions needed varies depending on individual circumstances, goals, and the complexity of the issues being addressed. While some clients may experience significant breakthroughs and lasting change after just one session, others may benefit from multiple sessions to achieve their desired outcomes.

During the initial consultation, we will discuss this and work together to assess your needs and goals, as well as the underlying factors contributing to your challenges. Based on this assessment, I will recommend a personalized treatment plan that may include one or more sessions, spaced out over time to allow for integration and continued progress. One issue can take 1-3 sessions. In general, most people experience the best results with 3 sessions. Many of my clients resolve their issues in one session, and other clients have had more than three sessions, and everything in between. We work on different issues in each session. Everyone is different.

If you have a strong desire for change, you believe that change is possible, and you commit to the process, it’s very likely you will experience results. And it is a process. You have homework 🙂 After each session, I make you a personalized recording with the new beliefs, thoughts, and feelings you wish to strengthen. Your homework is to listen to your recording every day for 21 days minimum. I recommend 30 days. We can then evaluate how you’re feeling from that point. Allowing yourself to get into a relaxed state through hypnosis makes you suggestible. Suggestible to these powerful, beliefs that you want to strengthen. Every day when you relax and listen to your recording, you are regulating your nervous system and strengthening the beliefs that will allow you to make the changes you want to see in your life.

Like anything else, I urge my clients to approach RTT with an open mind and a willingness to engage actively in the process. While RTT can facilitate profound transformation, it’s not a quick fix, and lasting change often requires commitment, consistency, and patience. Ultimately, the number of RTT sessions needed will vary from person to person.

Thanks for being here!

Make Data-Driven Decisions and Increase Your Profits with Alison Wright

Episode 60

This episode is all about money! How to analyze and make better systems so we can grow our businesses!

Alison is a highly experienced financial consultant and money strategist who specializes in helping business owners maximize revenue and optimize cash flow. Her approach to business finances is very different from your typical stuffy accountant. She empowers her clients with financial confidence and supports them as they make data-based decisions for the financial health of their business. Alison lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia, with her husband and Shih tzu Millie Belle. She loves to travel and tries to visit other countries at least once per year.

In this episode, the brilliant Alison Wright discusses the most common mistakes (i.e. opportunities to improve) business owners make and shares her passion and enthusiasm as she proclaims, “Everything has a solution!”

We discuss how you can solve:
-Investing in the wrong thing
-Hiring poorly
-Systems that aren’t working as well as they can

And so many other ways to look at the numbers to make decisions that will help you scale and grow!

Why and How I Became an RTT Therapist

Episode 59

How and why I came to learn RTT and become a therapist is one of my most favorite stories, so here it is.

Most of you probably know that my husband John had open heart surgery in 2022. His aorta had enlarged to the “it’s about to burst” size, in technical terms. He went in for his regular annual exams in February of that year, and I’ll never forget the call we got on Friday night at 6 pm from his cardiologist. Just seeing his name pop up on a Friday night activated my fight-or-flight response immediately. The cardiologist was so calm and nonchalant about what he was saying: “I am referring you to a surgeon because it looks like your aorta is about 5 mm and they recommend surgery at 5.5. Luckily we got in right away and the surgeon said it’s actually 6 mm, and we need to fix it. NOW. “I can fix it. Let me fix it,” He said.
I don’t think my nervous system was calm for the next 12 months.

By the grace of God and the amazing Dr. Amabile, the 6-hour surgery was a success. Not only did he replace his aorta with a man-made aorta, he also did a triple bypass.
We came home from the hospital after a week, and John slept. A LOT. It’s a bit like having a newborn. When they are sleeping you’re constantly worried, but even that isn’t completely accurate.

I was terrified. 24/7.

I was overwhelmed with fear and kept stacking one horrible thought after the next.

A few weeks later, I was sitting at my desk feeling sorry for myself. Then I’d feel shame for feeling sorry for myself when my husband was going through this, not me. Then I told myself to take my own advice and call a friend. My first friend was sad. Still battling the same depression she had been for years. Trying a new anti-depressant because the one she was taking was making her feel sick and exhausted. I called another friend. She was sobbing. Still battling anxiety and depression. No matter what she did, she couldn’t shake it. All the books and therapy helped a little, but she kept sinking right back into a puddle on the floor. In complete despair.

I sat at my desk in the same place I’m sitting right now, and I prayed.

“God, what actually works?”

and in less than 2 seconds I clearly heard three things:
Blonde hair.
British accent.
Tom Bilyeu.

(I guess that’s 4 things.)

I went to Tom’s YouTube channel and scrolled and scrolled. I remembered an interview with an amazing blonde woman from the UK, but I couldn’t remember her name.

Then I found her.

Marissa Peer. The interview was from December of 2019.

I watched her again and then went to her website. She’s phenomenal, and she’s helped thousands of people get relief from depression, anxiety, phobias, bad habits, and more.
She created a method called Rapid Transformational Therapy. It utilizes hypnotherapy to find the root cause of our suffering, so we can understand it and retrain our perceptions about what has happened to us in the past. Once we understand it, we can release the old meaning we’d attached them, and then install new empowering beliefs.

Then I discovered she was training therapists to do what she had been doing for the previous 30 years.

This was it. I was being guided to this. Specifically Marisa Peer and specifically RTT. I was ELATED!
I immediately scheduled a call so I could sign up! Little did I know, I had to be accepted first.

When the kind British man asked me why I wanted to become an RTT therapist, I told him the same story I just told you.
I think he fell off his chair.
He said he had never heard anyone say that before.
I replied, “Well, I don’t know what else to tell you, but God told me to learn this, so do whatever you need to do to get me in!”
We were both laughing, but I was completely serious and he knew it.

Luckily, I got accepted the next day.
I told John the entire story that evening.
He just listened.
After I had finished, he paused for what seemed to be an hour.
His only response was, “How much does it cost?”

Ya gotta love John.
He loves me so much that he wants me to be happy and he makes sure that we (I) don’t spend too much money.

I signed up that day and started my training.

It took me a little over a year to finish and receive my certification, and it’s been the most incredible experience of my life.

I’ve been able to help myself overcome core beliefs that were keeping me stuck, and I’ve been able to help dozens of amazing clients do the same.

My sister Marilyn and I were discussing our life’s purpose and how to help people find theirs, and this story popped into my brain.

From my experience, it’s pretty simple.
Pray and listen.
That’s where the miracles happen.

Thanks for being here!

It’s Never Too Late To Go After Your Dreams With Toni Vanschoyck

Episode 58

Toni is a speaker, freedom lover, wife, mama, “GLAM-MA” and the author of three books! She spends her life helping others achieve their dreams. She explains the power of casting your vision to propel yourself forward.
In this episode, we discuss how you can:
-Keep laser focus vision
-Ignore haters on the internet
-Be authentically YOU
-Never let anyone steal your joy
-Keep believing in YOU
She shares her vulnerable heart-warming experience of being reunited with her daughter she had as a teenager and gave up for adoption. You’ll need your tissues for this one!
Life can truly be one incredible journey when you have the right tools and strategies, and this episode is full of them. It’s never too late to chase your dreams!

Never Stop Learning With Jennifer Ashley

Episode 57

Jennifer Ashley joins us on this week’s episode to share her wisdom from a lifetime of learning! Jennifer’s battle with an eating disorder led her to discover a passion for fitness. She then put herself through school with her personal training business and got a degree in gerontology. Now, in her fifties, she is about to earn the black belt equivalent in Krav Maga, and she teaches women all over the country how to protect and defend themselves. Whether it’s personal training, self defense, or geriatrics, Jennifer’s life-long comittment to learning is an inspiration and proof that anyone at any age can master a new skill, start any new venture, and never stop learning!