What is Rapid Transformational THerapy (RTT)

What is Rapid Transformational Therapy? (RTT)

I’m so excited about RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) because of its incredible results. RTT is a hybrid therapy method developed by Marisa Peer that combines techniques from various therapeutic modalities, including hypnotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). It helps you resolve your issues permanently and more quickly than traditional talk therapy.

By utilizing hypnotherapy, you’re able to get into a calm, relaxed state and identify the root cause of your problems by examining your subconscious beliefs and patterns of thought. Once we access your subconscious mind, RTT aims to discover and reframe limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that are holding you back from reaching your full potential. The mind is brilliant, and once you get into a hypnotic, relaxed state, you can access the events in your life that caused the limiting beliefs behind your current suffering. Then, you’re able to release them, let them go, and install new beliefs and habits.  Most people aren’t aware of the root cause of their suffering, and with RTT, we’re able to identify it and create new beliefs in order for you to stop suffering, and

How it works:

First, we’ll set up a free 30-minute consultation over the phone. We will discuss your specific issue or concern. If you choose to move forward, we’ll set up the first of three monthly hypnotherapy sessions, and I’ll send you the Create Today journal/planner so you can start the daily journaling, reflection, and actions items to fuel you to take actions that will move you forward in accomplishing your goals. Our hypnotherapy sessions last about 90 minutes, and in each session, we aim to 

At the end of your session, I create a personalized recording for you to solidify your new beliefs and thoughts. Our minds learn through repetition, so you’ll listen to your recording every day between our monthly sessions. Every week, we’ll have a 15-minute check in calls so you can update me on your progress and work through any struggles.  Each day, you receive an email reminder and video message to help you remember to listen to your recording and start your day with a positive message. I’ve created these personalized tools in order to set up you for success!

The Hypno-Transformation Solution utilizes RTT therapy and coaching to allow you to make lasting changes and create the life you want.

So whether you’re struggling with low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, or any bad habit you’d like to eliminate in your life, the hypno-healing solution aims to help resolve your issues and propel you forward to creating the love, joy, and success you desire and deserve.

If you’re interested in setting up a free consultation, click here to schedule and I’ll talk to you soon!

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